In Memory of





Condolence From: Carol Jurs
Condolence: What a tragedy to hear from someone in Calif John had passed away. Then to see the article in the obituaries on the day of the memorial service hours after the service. Sadness on top of grief. I love all the condolences written and can agree with them all, especially the recounts of sitting in his clean and grungy garage. He was meticulous about the layers of grease. I remember the time I cleaned the sink in his workspace. He almost freaked out because he liked it the way it was. It showed his dedication to his work. I hadn't asked. Then the time we sat in the lovely office until late talking about everything under the sun, automotive and non automotive. All the times he researched a problem until he found the answer. He'd take it home until he did. He appreciated the environment. He addressed disposal of even his autobodily fluids as possible. I would rather stay, watch and wait for my repairs than drive "little blue" as a loaner. Thought I might get picked up by law enforcement for not being very adept at maneuvering the car. I even drove that thing to Portland to pick up parts for him. And he repays me with that as a loaner. The times he lent me his van to transport things around, and the times he was generous in other ways. Then there were the times I could not listen to the story of a bum deal one more time. For as smart as he was, is (?) his memory for already told stories was faulty. Try to redirect his conversation and I'd be there even longer with more stories. Can't help but love you John. What a loss to your family and to this community. You were a true giving and very generous individual. I am still grateful for saving my financial tail when I was struggling between jobs. I could not have made it through those times without you. BLESS YOU, my dear friend. As so many have wished, rest in peace amongst the pines, waves, and slopes of dirt and snow. I will swim a lap or 2 for you each time I enjoy our beautiful pool. Be well in your new existence.
Wednesday February 18, 2015
Condolence From: Michelle Venditto
Condolence: There are very few people in this world like my uncle, and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to know, learn from, and love such an extraordinary person. First off, my Uncle John is the smartest person I've ever known. Being in a museum with him took hours because he would read every piece of information and ask questions on absolutely anything and everything because that's just how he was. He also had such an adventurous soul that I'll never forget. Vacations to Oregon would always include kayaking, hiking, visiting waterfalls, and white water rafting. Our time together, although not big in years, was big in memories, love, and laughter. You will be so deeply missed and I will never stop sharing stories about my "cool uncle from Oregon" with my friends. XO.
Friday January 30, 2015
Condolence From: Lynn Bergeron
Condolence: Man, I liked John. Liked him, admired him, respected him. Knew him for over 20 years. Smart guy. Honest guy. He did the right thing; loved his extended family; lived a balanced life. I learned something from Paco every time we had a conversation. He was extremely well informed and had good sense judgment. I miss him already.
Thursday January 29, 2015
Condolence From: Marcie Wily and John Helleberg
Condolence: We will miss Paco's great conversation, running into him at the pool, on the trail or on the water. And we will definitely miss having the most honest and the best mechanic a community could ask for.
Thursday January 29, 2015
Condolence From: Sean Aiken
Condolence: Paco was great guy. He seemed to live the way he wanted to. I would run into him windsurfing just about anywhere, I'd see him skiing or at the coffee shop and he was always good for a chat. He fixed my old IH truck once and did a great job even though and I know it was a pain to fix it! After that he zeroed in on Subarus and Toyotas. I remember when he first came to the gorge, we were all living in our vans in the summer chasing the wind and I don't think he's looked back since. He was a great fit for the gorge lifestyle and well love around here. Rest in peace Paco.
Wednesday January 28, 2015
Condolence From: Annie Cataldo
Condolence: Happy Sails a great friend and best mechanic. Evey time I get in my 92 Loyale I think of you.
Wednesday January 28, 2015
Condolence From: Jessica Stancati
Condolence: I am saddened to lose my uncle John. Although we have only had a handfull of visits, I only have good memories of my adventurous uncle. Over the last 29 years I have heard endless stories of my uncle doing things so exiting i would not dare to do. What a life! He had such a wonderful spirit and always has us laughing. I will never forget him clinking the glass at my aunt Julie's wedding to make a toast, and of course the glass broke and the whole table was laughing! I remember him pushing me around on my grandfathers hand truck when i was 6 or so... He was always a fun uncle and I loved when he would visit. Uncle john unquestionably lived a life doing what he wanted to do, and what made him happy. I will always cherish my memories of him and am so thankfull for our last visit. Rest in peace uncle John. Love Jessica It is so nice to read all of the beautiful condolences from his friends, and neighbors.
Tuesday January 27, 2015
Condolence From: Suzanne Warren
Condolence: Paco was an intelligent, endearing, thoughtful, honest, and outspoken individual. He was a good friend to those whose company he enjoyed and was not afraid to be honest with those he didn't! When I was working I would bring my car in for an oil change at the end of the day and he would let me take a little nap in the driver's seat while it was up on the hoist. After I retired I would often come in on Mondays because he was full of conversation after what he would call a "solitary weekend". We enjoyed lots of great talks, lots of laughs - he was such a sweetheart, full of humor and stories. We have never trusted anyone with our cars the way we trusted him. We will miss you very much Paco.
Tuesday January 27, 2015
Condolence From: Jim Klaas
Condolence: I am really going to miss Paco. He has been my friend for a very long time. I skied with Paco, I biked with Paco, I kayaked with him, I met up with him in Bahia, he took my son and I on a kayak tour of Wells Island telling us the history....Paco loved living here. I just can't believe it...Paco loved the outdoors. He was the real deal, honest and one of the guys you could trust. Words fail is a sad day the world just isn't as colorful anymore.
Tuesday January 27, 2015
Condolence From: Dominick Venditto
Condolence: Brother-in-law you will be missed. You had a great sense of humor and were one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. You will always be our "Fact-Man". Your board filled with photos of my children means more to me than you could ever imagine. You lived and died doing the things you loved. Rest In Peace.
Tuesday January 27, 2015
Condolence From: Nick Venditto
Condolence: Johnny was one of the best uncles a kid could ask for. He always had a way to brighten your day and make you have fun. Whether or your canoe capsized, or you fell into the rapids, a fun experience was always the result. The times we shared are some of the best memories I have. Thanks for all the adventures. Rest in Peace. We all love you. -Nick
Tuesday January 27, 2015
Condolence From: John Elyard
Condolence: There is a reason that our Toyota Previa has 355,000 miles on it. John Stancati
Tuesday January 27, 2015
Condolence From: Fiona Arrigo
Condolence: What a loss to our community. Paco was an honest and caring man who had compassion and respect for all. Paco had such a great sense of humor and I couldn't help but tease him whenever I encountered him. I can remember when my son complained about our old Subaru and why couldn't we have a new car? I told Paco and he let me borrow 'old blue', (it resembled a flintstone car)! I went and picked my son up from school in old blue and he never complained about our old Subaru ever again xx You will be missed my friend RIP.
Monday January 26, 2015
Condolence From: Chris McQuade
Condolence: Paco was THE mechanic's mechanic and backed it up. An old soul windsurfer, skier -- part of the original crew and mentor. He connected with many of us on a personal level -- always spoke the truth and made sure we were aware of it in a loving manner. John -- I (we) will miss you dearly, and our conversations -- may your journey take you to the deepest of fresh pow and steady nukin' winds.
Monday January 26, 2015
Condolence From: Matt Hulstrunk
Condolence: I will always remember the good times we had playing and exploring together on the land & waters of Los Barriles BAJA & Hood River. I can see you right now sitting around the campfire with your guitar...with that smile on your face. You were always so positive, even when that darn Mt Bike accident almost killed you. I was blessed to have gotten to know you. Rest in Peace Brother Paco.
Monday January 26, 2015
Condolence From: John Elyard
Condolence: John was my friend. He cared passionately about others. I asked him to come to our daughter's first communion. The memory of four of us guys sitting in the back of a pickup truck at our house is precious. He wasn't my just my mechanic. He was family. Please contact me if you need a ride from the airport or we can help in any wat.
Monday January 26, 2015
Condolence From: Tina Lassen
Condolence: I was so very sorry to hear about the passing of John, who I always knew as Paco. As professionals go, he was the real deal: a mechanic’s mechanic, a guy who didn’t go by the book, but by his instincts and intellect. He clearly loved his profession and the independent life he carved out for himself. Paco was fiercely opinionated and fiercely loyal. If he liked you, he’d do anything for you. I’ll always have fond memories of hanging out in his grimy old office, first talking about my Subaru, then digressing into rambling conversations about politics, powder skiing, dogs, mountain biking, just about anything. I’ll miss him on the bike trails and at the windsurfing beach, where he spent many happy days. He left us too soon, but I won’t soon forget his feisty spirit.
Sunday January 25, 2015